June 8, 2008

Yeah, I know, I didn't update yesterday. I was feeling ok and then got progressively worse, ending up vomiting again and just being absolutely crappy and miserable. By late evening I was thrilled that I was actually feeling better, until I woke up around 3:00 a.m. in pain. Sat up, ate some saltines, drank some Gatorade and then promptly threw up the drink. Kept the saltines down, then sat/laid/propped myself up on the couch and watched an old Star Trek episode on the CW. Fell asleep and then woke up and found some woman screaming scripture at me through the telly. Went back to bed and finally fell back asleep.

Yesterday was a complete disaster. We all went out to do errands. Went to Wally World and picked up the rest of our prescriptions, along with coffee filters, toilet paper and BCs for Sharky (all necessities of life).

Then, instead of having something to eat (stupid me, I was starting to get painful twinges) we ran to George's Music in OP to pick up my mandolin case that I had ordered (the one I saved up for). It was made in China (*sigh*) but the quality was fabulous and if I had to guess the price, I would have guessed twice what I actually paid.

We decided then to get something to eat and by that point, the pain was serious. As a treat for the kids, we drove back to Normandy and went to East Buffet. (It's cheaper than buying fast food for the 5 of us.) I knew my stomach was in distress so I had the boys get me a bowl of egg drop soup - it was very hot so I wasn't tempted to eat fast, it forced me to eat slow. That's supposed to be a good thing. After, I went through the buffet and picked out a couple of bland, non-fried sauce-less items and sat down and ate. Halfway through, I was in so much pain, I went to the bathroom and as soon as I walked into a stall, I threw up. Went back to the table and was still so hungry, I got a bowl of plain white rice. After a couple of slow bites, I told Sharky and the kids to sit and enjoy themselves, I was going to sit in the car. Yep, threw up in the parking lot. My stomach had bloated and was in so much agony.

After we got home, Sharky and Bear ran to Publix and bought saltines, Gatorade, and Popsicles for me. Saltines worked, Gatorade I don't know, and the Popsicles were a stupid idea. I don't know what I was thinking - I should have said Jell-o.

Guess what really worked? Freaking pain pills. *sigh* Half a pain pill was enough to numb me so I could rest. Ate some tomato soup for dinner (I know, acid, stupid...), kept it down and slept well until, well, I wrote it all up above.

I fell horrible for ruining their day yesterday but at least Sharky and Petunia had a great time watching movies - The School of Rock (2003) is their new favorite. Petunia loves having a "special movie" that she and her dad can share. LOL

Yes, as you can probably tell by this point I am feeling better, but I don't know for how long. I definitely will not let myself get to the point I did yesterday, I will eat something as soon as my stomach tells me to. I don't want to go out but I might have to make a run to Publix - if I do, I pray I don't get too nauseated.

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