June 6, 2008

http://countdown.tentwostudios.com/ Lisa Vollrath (one of my art heras) is holding another holiday countdown - this time for Father's Day. Started yesterday and the first image is already up. I love her art and her generosity...

Today is the first day off of school - the first day of *dum dum dum dummmm* Summer Vacation. *grabs smelling salts* Letting the boys sleep in a bit before waking them up. Petunia was up as soon as she realized her dad was leaving.

Have so much to do today, quite a few errands. Woke up and only had one cup of coffee. Chest/stomach/sternum area still feels sluggish and blocked, which makes me feel rather nauseated and woozy. Obviously I won't be driving if I'm dizzy, which would cancel all the errands. *sigh* Can't have that happen though.

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