June 10, 2008

Took Petunia to the orthodontist this morning to get a new bracket added to the one tooth that we've been waiting to move forward. In less than 10 hours, the tooth has already moved quite a bit and she's not happy because her mouth is sore. We go through this every month, she's grumpy for the day and by the next, everything is all better. Thank goodness we had Popsicles to cheer her up.

The doctor's office did not call today, so I will call them in the morning to check on the status of the surgeon referral - and to let them know that one of the meds isn't working well. I really did pretty decent all day. Between breakfast and lunch (while we were out), I started having stomach pains, but we had packed some granola bars in my purse and that helped prevent any cramping.

Unfortunately, I laid down in bed during our brief rain and didn't have an afternoon snack, so I did end up in agony. Took two pain pills and they took the edge off the pain but made me really light headed. Note to self: Don't take more than one if I'm planning on driving later on.

Don't have much planned for the rest of the week, will try to work on the house and yard some - and of course, take it easy.

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