June 10, 2008

Yesterday was the worst, pain & vomit-wise, but at least I know what's going on now. The ride to the doc's office in OP was hard, thank goodness Sharky drove and I had a bucket with me. Saw my doc's PA and he gave me meds for nausea and diarrhea and a slip to run to the diagnostic lab and get an abdominal ultrasound. Got the ultrasound and then waited (at home) for the results.

When the nurse finally called, I was informed that it was my gallbladder, again. It was inflamed and they were recommending it be removed. So, they are now scheduling me an appointment with a surgeon to discuss it. The nurse promised that they would put the words "STAT" on it to rush it through. He was nice enough to call in an RX for pain meds for me as well.

The diarrhea pills seem to have worked, the nausea one not so much, and the pain pills are not that good, but I can't complain - at least something is getting done.

I went to bed and slept restlessly, but eventually without pain (I did throw up dinner) but woke recently with stomach pains. Took a nausea pill and ate a couple of crackers and now I really have to throw up. I don't want to and now I'm afraid of taking the pain meds and throwing them up.

I don't like the idea of surgery, but if it will stop this agony, then I'm all for it...

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