June 11, 2008

Had some really messed up dreams last night. One involved a hurricane coming and me trying to shove cats and dogs into animal carriers and stuffing them into the back seat of my PT Cruiser and not all of the animals were cooperative. *sigh* Other than that, slept very hard with the usual breaks. I'm still quite groggy and tired.

Petunia has been waking up at night and coming into the bedroom lately. She'll wake me up and tell me that either she had a nightmare or cannot fall back asleep, so I just hug and kiss her and tell her to leave the light on in her room and read a book. Every single time, she goes right back into her room (with the light off), crawls into bed and falls asleep. I think she's sleep walking. LOL Every time, it makes me remember what a nightmare it used to be with her and sleeping and I just thank Hypnos/Somnus that she no longer has that problem. *wink*

Doctor's office did not call yesterday, so I will be calling them this morning after they open to see what the status is.

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