June 13, 2008

Today is the Feast of Epona. Wish we had some horses to visit. Oh well, maybe we'll have some good oat bread with dinner and an apple pie for dessert in her honor? *smiles*

Went to bed early and slept hard again. Being sick really wears me out. Took my morning pills (all 7 of them, dammit) and ate a yogurt (with live, active cultures, of course). I feel like crapola right now and want to go back to sleep.

Have to go to the lab today and pick up the "films" and report of my ultrasound for the surgeon's appointment on Monday. Sharky's going to schedule some time off then so he can come home and watch the kids. Don't have anyone else to do it - Mom and C are just too far away. I hate that. Wish my Mom lived closer. When I hit the lotto, I'm going to buy Mom and sDad a condo in 5 Points so they can be nearby in case I need them or they need me. I hated it when they both were sick not too long ago and there was nothing I could do to help.

Kids are slowly waking up. Petunia came flying out of her bedroom wanting to know who was screaming. She must have heard the audience on the Today Show. LOL Poor thing, at least she slept through the night and didn't wake up. The boys are waking up in very bad moods. Just lovely... Bug just about started a fight with me but stopped at the last moment and apologized. Bear, on the other hand, is stomping around the house just a like a bear out of hibernation. Hah.

I've got to go to the library today. I cannot stand being without something to read. I have Laurell K. Hamilton's Blood Noir on hold but since it's brand new, I'm probably 500th in line to read it. Might be a long while before a copy comes in. I'll find something else there, I always do. (I do have a couple of unread books at home but I don't know where they are.)

Oh, and if I do need surgery, I'm going to go to a dollar store and pick myself up a puzzle book (crosswords or logic or something) and a clipboard. Better than a book because I can just fall asleep and not lose my place. LOL Good for short attention spans. Speaking of which, what if the surgeon decides my gall bladder is not worth removing? What am I going to do then? I guess change my diet (which has to be done anyway). *sigh* Damned if I do, damned if I don't.

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