June 12, 2008

Definitely not a good day today. Most of the day was spent laying on the couch, trying to get comfortable and not get sick. Didn't throw up, thank goodness, the anti-nausea pills do work, unlike the other ones. Well, I still get nauseas, but I just don't vomit. *shrugs* Most likely will go to bed early again, since being in pain makes me tired. Strange, huh? At least the kids were good today. Between yesterday and today, they've been very good.

I saved up enough Coke points to get Sharky a present, something he's been wanting. (Can't say what it is in case he reads this. lol) Unfortunately, I don't think it will arrive until next week - after Father's Day. Oh well, I tried. Good thing, with the Coke points, I didn't spend a dime on it. Most of my recent points have either been given to me (by Mom and friends) or found bottle caps. You'd be surprised at the amount found just laying around.

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