June 13, 2008

Picked up my ultrasound films and the report. The summation (impression) reads: Hepatomagaly with fatty infiltration. Enlarged gallbladder with echogenic densities, which shadow consistent with stone. (Hepatomagaly is the medical term for enlargement of the liver.) I didn't bother looking at the films, didn't want to get fingerprints all over them. Mom suffers from a "fatty liver" as well. *sigh*

We had a really nice homemade chicken noodle soup for dinner - made with chicken broth, chicken thighs (skinless & fat removed), mixed veggies, garbanzo beans, and egg noodles. As a treat, I bought a pre-sliced 5 grain loaf from the Publix bakery. We warmed the slices in the toaster oven (not toasted) and topped it off with real whipped butter. Mmm... (Butter is better, IMO. It doesn't have any of the margarine chemicals and I use a lot less because the taste is stronger.) A good healthy meal, all in all. Sharky loved it. I'm so grateful that he enjoys food like I do. There are a lot of guys/men out there who would not put up with soup for dinner, they want their meat & potatoes dammit - 1950s Neanderthals... *scowls*

BTW, Sharky came home soon after lunch. Why? He was laid off. Yes, my husband was laid off his job of 6 years at the dealership. His boss (and the boss immediately above him) chose my husband (one of the top sellers in the SE USA) to lay off instead of the newbie 20-something unmarried, childless asswipe that just happens to be Boss #2's son. As of the 30th, we will have no insurance (don't mention cobra, can't afford it). The worst is the depression that has hit my husband because he feels betrayed. He was offered a higher paying job last month from a competitor and turned it down due to company loyalty. Shows where that gets ya nowadays, huh? Sharky's filed for unemployment but they said he won't see anything for at least 3 weeks. I've filed for food stamps, etc., but won't hear back for at least a week or so.

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