June 23, 2008

Sharky's got a couple of appointments today, so I've got a candle lit and my fingers crossed for a job with high pay, good insurance, and positive mental-health vibes (gotta have that in a job, right? lol).

Slept pretty good last night and am a lot more mobile today. Had the same pains this morning when I first got up, so took all my meds and had a granola bar, then had my coffee and then the pains went away. Seems to work ok like that. Of course, forgot to test my blood. Geeze... My incisions appear to be healing great. The smallest has almost completely disappeared and the rest are shrinking as well. I have a feeling that the scars will be practically minimal, not like I'm too worried about that.

Supposedly we are due for some rain today. We had a little yesterday but it wasn't enough. It's never enough. Of course, one has to be careful in wishing because of all those floods out west in Iowa, etc. *sigh*

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