June 24, 2008

No rain yesterday, despite all the predictions. Very hot though.

No word on jobs yet. Sharky's working on his resume.

I got sick, starting after lunch. Bad, cramping heartburn. Took a friend's advice and laid (the best I could) on my stomach. The pressure seemed to take most of the pain away. Came back after dinner while we were watching a movie. Mom told me to eat Tums, tried that. Eventually it settled down and I was able to go to sleep. Woke up in the middle of the night in pain again. Laid on my stomach and that helped. (Scared the crap out of Sharky when I swung my hair getting up and it brushed against him - he thought something was crawling on him. Eek!) Woke up this morning and I feel better. Had 2 cups of coffee, took my meds with a glass of juice and a granola bar and feel fine right now. Sharky is very worried about this but Mom says it's "normal" and something I'll have to live with and figure out the triggers to.

I'm going to try and go to the library today and mail a BCX book out. *fingers crossed*

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