June 22, 2008

Well, been rather a disastrous day so far. We all went, as a family, to the WM on Normandy. I needed to pick up my diabetes Rx and we figured, while we were there, we would check out the meat department. I was very disappointed on the prices of meat - the pork was more expensive than Publix and the rest was on average price. We did get two good deals on already formed burger patties (most economical) and chicken drumsticks. By the time we were ready to check out, I was totally exhausted and in pain, so Petunia and I went to sit in the car.

We sat for a bit, then drove the car over to the entrance to help Sharky and the boys load the stuff into the back. While we were sitting in a line of cars, the "Security Guard" drove past me three times and yelled at me for sitting in the no-parking zone. She didn't say a thing to the guy in front of me or the guy behind me. Hmm, I wonder if it's a sexist issue? By the 4th time, I was pissed and she said I would be reported if I didn't move, so I drove around in a circle, passed her, childishly flicked her off and then picked up Sharky and the boys who were then waiting outside. Damn inbred trashy misogynistic pig, I hope she chokes on her cheap Britney hair weave. *grumble*

We then went for gas and I fucked up by insisting the gas tank was on the driver's side of the car. Uh, no it's not. Geeze... Sharky realized that after he already paid and had to turn the car around. Not that big of a deal, but there have been cases of gas stealing (since the prices are still rising)...

Got home and discovered, to my happy surprise, that my LILIES BLOOMED! There are two stalks and it looks like there might be 4 or 6 blooms per stalk? I have no idea what it is, but I do believe it's in the lily family since the plant is very different from my amaryllis (on the other side of the arbor). These are the same age though, transplanted 3 years ago as full grown plants from a nice lady on the Westside.

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