June 12, 2008

WG? Hit# 643, Lexington KY (2nd hit)

Medicinal irony - when you have to take an anti-nausea pill but you can't because you are too nauseous. Taking my meds is so depressing. I hate taking medicine. I don't want to. Now I'm stuck taking tons of stuff. Geeze... My goal is, if I get these problems/issues fixed, then I can stop taking them. *fingers crossed*

I'm in pain this morning. Not the serious horrid cramping pain like before, just the pressure, bloating pain which is more uncomfortable than anything else. I know, it sounds stupid to whine about it but when you can't sit or stand or lay in a comfortable position and none of your clothing is comfortable (and you can't run around nekkid) and you cannot eat or drink even though you are hungry and thirsty, well, it just sucks. I want this to be over with.

Mom suggested yesterday, when I spoke to her on the phone, that I make up an overnight bag - just in case I do have to stay in the hospital overnight. I think that might be a good idea. I know, from Mom's experience, that wearing bras will be hard to do so I might look at Wallyworld for a comfortable/loose sleep bra to wear. Even if I don't have the surgery, I could still wear it and it wouldn't go to waste. Unfortunately, I don't think I have any elastic waist pants to wear. I'll have to look around in my room and see what I've got.

I guess yesterday went fine. Tried to eat slowly and in small portions. I've been placing my meals on a child's plate, instead of an adult's, to help with that. I still get all queasy afterwards, but at least I'm not throwing it up. The other problem, though, is still there in full force. It's called "dumping" and is common for people who have had their gallbladders removed. Strange since mine is still there. Wonder if that is a sign that it's not working properly? Hmm... Googled but cannot find anything on it. Will try and remember to ask the doc.

I've been sleeping heavy at night and the neighbors have not woken me up with their comings and goings. I think that is due to the pain pill. Scary. I want to be able to sleep deep naturally, not with help. What if something happens and I don't hear it? At least I've been waking up when Petunia comes in the room. (A nightly habit now...)

This week is going by so slowly and it seems like Monday will not come soon enough. Time flies when you are having fun and drags on forever when you are not. I'm thinking about attempting to do something fun today to take my mind off all this miserable crapola. Maybe working on my dolls or something. Nothing too strenuous.

C called me yesterday to see how I was but I was not feeling well and I think I might have been short with her on the phone. I feel bad about that and am going to call her today and apologize.

It rained yesterday, twice. I wish it would rain again, all day long. But it won't. *sigh*

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