May 18, 2008

Took a nap early this morning but every time I actually fell asleep either a kid or the neighbours woke me. *sigh*

Bear and I went to Publix to pick up a couple of things and ran into Mrs. W, the boys' beloved former art teacher. She recognized us immediately and gave Bear (who is now like a foot taller than her LOL) a huge hug. We shared some memories and updated each other - she was shocked to learn the "baby" was now in 2nd grade. LOL She told me one of her fave memories of "her special boys" were how strong and brave they were in their faith. It opened her eyes and made her realize that there really were good kids out there being raised in "different faiths" (i.e., different than the "big 3"). She also said she remembers the PPD ritual in the park very clearly and still cherishes the wheat stalk Bear brought her from it. Wow, that made me feel so good...

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