May 19, 2008

Lots of stuff to do today, lots of appointments and deadlines. Trying hard not to have a panic attack because of it.

Never did swing by the library like I planned, so have to do that today. Two books arrived (ordered) and I want to pick them up.

Got the "Know Your "L"" today at Petunia's school. This afternoon, have a dental appointment for her. Then, have a bill to pay later on this afternoon, most likely after the boys get home - I'll just take them all with me.

I have tried hard for days to read The Last Witchfinder by James Morrow, but just cannot get into it. I think the beginning of the book with the talking book (seriously) just threw me off. Yes, I know it was supposed to be humour, but still, not my cuppa tea.

I did finish Ghosts Among Us: True Stories of Spirit Encounters by Leslie Rule. It was an interesting book, but more like a browsing book (bathroom reader lol) and it wasn't very informative. The author has many more ghost books out there but unless one falls into my hands, I doubt I will read them - a bit too generic for my tastes.

Can't find the portable phone. Called Sharky and found out he left it in the garage. Turd. (Yes, I called him that, he just laughed.) He knows I won't go into the garage to go get it. Turd x2. Have to wait until a boy gets home. Crap.

I know, it's stupid that I don't want to go into the garage. I have no idea why. I really need to just get over it but the more I try to force myself to go, the harder I resist...

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