May 18, 2008

Well, Bug and Sharky missed the sports banquet because Bug didn't find out the correct information. He thought it was at the school from 3-5 but when they arrived, a bus taking everyone to a hotel for the banquet had just left. Huh? Yeah, he really got his wires crossed with that one. Oh well, I tried.

Petunia had a wonderful time at her concert and all the kids who participated got a commemorative "trophy". I took some cute pictures of all the kids before they left.

I drove Bug and his friend to the prom and then picked them up when it ended. They said they had a great time and danced, etc. The refreshments were meatballs and chicken wings with punch to drink. Weird, huh? LOL He was starved when he got home, but I had saved a plate of dinner for him to eat.

We watched some tv and then all went to bed around midnight. Big mistake, I did not get enough sleep. Will have to take a nap today. LOL

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