May 26, 2008

Had a light dinner and then watched Apocalypto (2006) (after putting Petunia to bed of course). It was bloody, violent, and difficult to watch knowing a lot of it was true. It was good, it was very good. Simple story though, but I suggest you read up a bit on Mayan history just a little to understand the city dwellers a bit more than you might glean from the movie. It's not totally accurate (what movie is?) but it is a very satisfying film.

What are our plans for today? Not much. Not going to Mom's as planned, her breast biopsy is tomorrow and "entertaining" today would have been too much for her. We'll probably see her next weekend. Definitely have to run to Publix today and do a bit of grocery shopping. Won't go to any other store though, it's our boycott of Memorial Day sales. Men & Women did not die for our country so we can save on linens and other goods...

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