May 27, 2008

Ran to the grocery store yesterday morning and picked up some stuff. Had Nathan's hot dogs, fresh corn on the cob, and chili cheese fries for dinner. (Hey, it was a holiday, right? LOL)

We all, as a family, watched Spartacus (1960) yesterday. It was the first time both Sharky and I have seen the film from beginning to end. The boys enjoyed it, and it sparked a lot of talk about Roman history and slavery in general. We also had a good talk about movie censorship, etc., spurred on by the addition of the originally deleted scene of Cassus attempting to seduce Antoninus.

Mom goes for her biopsy today. Hope it's as painless as possible.

My head is killing me. I took some ibu this a.m. but it doesn't seem to be working right now.

Weird thing - Saturday morning, before Sharky woke me up for coffee, I dreamt that I cut my bottom lip with my thumbnail. I woke up and found my lip was cut. I dreamed it had bled, but it didn't in real life - must have been just drool. Hurt bad all day, but by Sunday, was feeling a lot better.

I haven't been doing well, health-wise. I went over a week without testing my blood or my blood pressure. Forgot again this morning. I need to get back into the habit before something bad happens.

Picked up a foot cream from Wallyworld last Saturday. Sharky put it on the bottom of my feet last night. He couldn't help but laugh & be apologetic because I was laughing and crying at the same time while he was doing it. I cannot describe it - to have someone touch my feet now not only is ticklish but extremely painful all at the same time. Torture. It did help with the pain.

Have to make doctor appointments for both Sharky and I today. Not looking forward to that.

I think my hormones are wonky today - started crying not too long ago for no reason whatsoever. I really need to ask the doc if there is such a think as menopause testing...

I was driving a Mini Cooper over a mountain pass on some Florida island with Sharky in the passenger seat. I went around the corner too tight and the car plunged into the water down below. I pulled Sharky out of the car before it sunk completely below the water and got him to safety.
We all stayed in a rental house while he was recuperating (the owners were in China). When the owners came back, unexpectedly, we had to pack up all our stuff and move fast. They came in to inspect and were concerned that I was stealing their pictures off the walls - they were relieved to see that all the pictures I took were of my relatives.

Got all dressed up for the prom, even though I knew I was too old to go. It was in a hospital's banquet room and I remember telling the person I was with that there were worse places to hold a prom. I went into the room and walked around, looking for my date. I saw two friends of mine (Fox & Tad) at the punch bowl and walked over to them. They said I looked great and I said I just wanted them to see what they missed out on and then I walked to the elevator and went to the bottom floor lobby. I walked over to a bench and sat down, waiting for my date (JD). He eventually showed up (still looking like a teenager), looked at me in the eyes and said "I want you to find me." Then I woke up.

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