May 22, 2008

Didn't eat lunch before dentist visit yesterday and started to get headache and nauseas. Shouldn't have waited that long between meals. Dental appointment lasted 2 hours. Poor Petunia accidentally swallowed some of the fluoride she was swishing her mouth with and it made her vomit. Luckily, the dental assistants are used to that happening and had some Milk of Magnesia on hand to help her tummy out.

Afterwards, we swung by Taco Bell and got some lunch, drove home. Didn't eat until we were inside the house. Another mistake. By the time I actually ate, my stomach had calmed down but the headache was worse. By the time the boys started arriving home, I was almost incapacitated. Migraine? I don't know. By the time I actually started feeling better, it was almost 11:00 p.m. The headache is still here, it never quite went away. I'm trying hard not to let it get bad like it did yesterday, but I'm not sure what I can do.

Bear lost his asthma inhaler this morning. (Actually, he lost it a while ago and didn't tell us.) Talk about a pissy morning. *sigh* Luckily, Bug found it in there room.

Gas tank started it's warning beeping while shuttling everyone to school this morning. I was able to get gas at Gate, the cheapest stuff at $3.889. (Premium was $4.109 and the medium stuff, what I'm supposed to be buying, was $4.009.) This gas situation is going to drive me batty.

Gabby has her vet appointment today, in a few minutes. She's excited. *rolls eyes* I wish I was. I'm afraid they are going to demand all kinds of expensive tests, etc., when it's not necessary since they already know what's wrong with her. *sigh*

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