May 22, 2008

WG? Hit# 638, Gainesville FL

As I predicted, Gabby had a wonderful time at the vet's. Was petted in the waiting room, had a major love-fest with the assistant in the room, totally loved on by the doc, more assistant love, etc. And this is with a shot and a q-tip shoved into her ears more than once. Eek! Yep, the shot was a steroid one, she has more steroid pills, ear drops and antibiotics to take for her yeasty skin allergy.

The cutest thing was when we left, there was a slightly smaller dog in the waiting room with booties on her rear feet (she looked like a dog version of Malcolm LOL). Gabby went up to her and instead of the typical butt-sniffing that dogs do, the two of them rubbed snouts & faces together "kissing" - almost like Gabby was reassuring the smaller dog that everything was going to be ok. Everyone in the waiting area ooohed and aaahed over it - it was just soo precious.

And of course, I was bad and swung thru Burger King and got take out for lunch. BIG MISTAKE. Yeah, it was fresh and tasted great but I've felt like I've had to vomit ever since I ate. Damn it, I just cannot eat fast food anymore without getting sick. I guess it's a good thing, huh?

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