November 20, 2009

Yesterday, the birds...

Wrote my blog, spoke to Sharky and my mom, and went to scramble a couple of eggs for breakfast. While in the kitchen, I heard a 1000 birds chirping outside (not an exaggeration). They were all up in trees and were all over the place, front and back. It was almost deafening and lasted an hour or an hour and a half long before they all quieted down. I have not heard them since. Spoke to Miss I before picking up Petunia from school and she heard them too but didn't know what kind of birds they were either. It was so amazing. They must have been feasting on the trees' winter berries.

I can hear my titmice at the feeder right now. I don't even bother listening to the news in the morning any more when I have bird song to listen to instead. I never tire of it.

"Your daily life is your temple and your religion.
When you enter into it take with you your all."

- Kahlil Gibran 1883-1931

Goddess knows, I try to live that way - but it is hard to do. I try to stay positive and have a good outlook, but it's difficult between my biological father's fanaticism and having two teenage boys living at home and the economy. *sigh* I don't want to break off contact with my father, so I keep hoping things will improve, but it doesn't seem like it. I know the boys will grow out of this "phase" but they'll be living at home for a long time to come. As for the economy? It hurts my head to even think about it, so I don't. Mostly. Only when its on the news and its time to pay bills. Then I just want to curl up under my desk and cry. Hah.

My recycling sucks, I try but mess up all the time. Can't afford organic food most of the time. I have a brown thumb with a wee tinge of green. Wish we could garden, but not sure how safe the back yard is for that without fresh dirt. I dunno, I try, I really do. I feel like I'm losing the parenting battle, but other parents assure me that (mostly) everyone feels like that at times. I feel like I'm losing the wife/partner battle as well, but Sharky assures me that I am not.

In other words, I know I can do better, I know I should be doing better, but just don't know how.

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