November 21, 2009

Saturday is here!

And Sharky doesn't have to work today, woohoo.

Went to bed by 10:30 p.m. but still feel hungover. Hate that feeling. Finally got my RX situation fixed and picked up my Metformin last night after picking up Sharky from work. Yes, that meant having to endure Volde-mart on a Friday night and seeing things one cannot unsee. No, not talking about people like you'd find in this silly blog, but things that I would put under the category of elderly parent abuse. Took every thing I had not to scream or vomit.

Not much planned for today, other than finding my missing Venus of Willendorf stamp. When we did the monitor swap, I placed everything on the top of my desk into a box. When I went through the box, she was gone. I'm totally freaked and angry and I will find her today, somehow...

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