November 19, 2009


Sharky got home around 8:00 p.m. last night, totally exhausted from his almost 13 hour day at work. He swears he had something to eat and so didn't want us to fix him anything. He didn't want to talk about the "party", so we just let it go.

sDad had an ok birthday yesterday. Sent him a card and the kids called him last night. Mom said most of their plans were canceled and they kept it easy because he didn't feel too well. He had chest pains this morning that lasted about a minute or two but he swears he's doing better now. Mom is afraid she's just going to wake up one morning and find him passed on. I keep hoping he'll do better, but am not sure...

Going to try and do a backup of my computer today and attempt to install the latest Linux. Mine is so old that now it won't even accept updates (like to Firefox, etc.) so I'm being "forced" into it.

I sure wish I could photograph the bird feeder on the porch. We've got chickadees now that have migrated to the neighborhood and have been visiting. Its so much fun to hear them chirp "chicka-dee-dee-dee" over and over. They are so incredibly tiny, not much bigger than my entire thumb, so unlike the chickadees that I saw as a child in MA - those were big and plump and round birds.

The three blocks Petunia and I walk every day have different sets of bird calls. The middle block is always mockingbirds and blue jays and the block nearest the school has cardinals chipping. This morning, as I turned the block home, I heard the chickadees calling. I guess between my house, Ms. I's, Mr. DL's, and Ms. D's all feeding birds, we've got a selection to choose from!

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