November 14, 2009

Saturday is Kitchen Day

I told the boys last night that if they had any hope of getting on the computer and playing WoW today, my kitchen has to be in some sort of order. I want my fridge reassembled (they took shelves off the door when they cleaned it two weeks ago and forgot to put them back), I want all the stray plastic bags gathered up to be dropped off at the grocery store's recycling bin, and I want my cupboards organized. DAMMIT. They've already informed me that they would NOT be doing this if I hadn't taken computer time away from them. Isn't that lovely? NOT.

Sharky's at work today. Wish I had taken the car, but then nothing would have gotten done. (If anything will get done, that is...)

My MIL called at 10:30 p.m. last night and left a message. Called back at 7:30 a.m. this morning to see if we had received her message. She was not happy that Sharky had already left for work without calling her first. Gee whiz. I had to reassure her that everything is fine, nothing is wrong, no one is dying, yada yada yada. On the other hand, she is severely depressed because she stubbed her toe on her computer chair and hurt it bad enough to be put in a soft cast and/or boot (not sure what) and she cannot walk for 6 weeks making her stranded in her upstairs apartment (stairs only, no elevator). Sucks. With Thanksgiving coming up, her depression will worsen dramatically because I am sure her "other son" won't do a damn thing about attempting to include her in their festivities and her daughter is a newlywed and most likely will not want to spend the holiday with her mother. Thank goodness we live so far away. Goodness, that sounds cruel, doesn't it? Oh well, if we lived nearer, I would have to drag her to our holiday and sic her on my extended relations. You know, thinking about that... Might be very interesting... *evil laughter*

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