November 15, 2009

Slow Sunday

Went to sleep relatively early last night but so did everyone else. Slept pretty good all night long. Poor Sharky woke up coughing so hard, he burst a blood vessel in one eye.

Bear and I ran to Publix last night and bought some apples and a bag of oranges. They had tangerines on sale but had completely sold out. EEP! I'll go back this week and if I miss out again, I'm getting a rain check.

Every day, after walking Petunia home from school, I've been having an apple as a snack and have really enjoyed it. It does a good job of filling my stomach and stopping me from snacking.

Screwed up on my RX yet again. One has one refill and the other does not. Called both in to the pharmacy last night. Got enough to last until Monday and can pick it up then. The expired one (my Metformin) will most likely not be ready until Tuesday or so. I'll just have to be very careful in what I eat.

Don't have any plans for today. The boys did rearrange my kitchen yesterday. It's not perfect but it will do for now.

MIL said she would call last night around 6:00 p.m. but didn't, so I made Sharky call her around 8:00 p.m. She was grateful he called and I'm glad that everything is calmed down for a bit. *phew*

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