June 4, 2008

WG? Hit# 640, Jacksonville FL

Yesterday was a complete bust. Sharky came home from the doctor's with a bunch of RX for blood pressure, an order for blood work, and an appointment in 2 weeks. My stomach had been upset all morning but once he got home, it started cramping.

The pain got worse and my stomach was bloated, felt like it was full of air, so I ate 2 Tums and had some soda. A little while after that, I vomited everything up. Yuck. Was in pain for the rest of the day, vomited before dinner. Had some tomato soup and kept it down and went to bed.

Read a bit and then went to sleep early. Kids watched tv while Sharky restrung my mandolin.

Woke up in the middle of the night with severe stomach pains again. Considered getting up and possibly eating a granola bar or some crackers, but it hurt too much to move so I just laid there for a few hours, staring at the clock, until I fell back asleep.

Woke up with a headache that felt like the worst hangover ever. Hurt so bad I just sat on the couch and nursed my coffee. Took some ibuprofen which took the edge off enough for me to wear my glasses and drive Bear to the shuttle. I still feel extremely queasy. I managed to eat my yogurt but I'm afraid of eating anything else, even though I'm quite hungry...

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