June 3, 2008

Had a quiet day yesterday. After Bear came home and we picked up Petunia after school, we ran to Publix and did our grocery shopping. There were a lot of B1G1 Free deals that we took advantage of. Petunia helped Bear put all the groceries away and said she had a lot of fun doing that. LOL We had a nice quiet dinner, and then I laid down to read before falling asleep.

Sharky has his doctor's appointment this morning; he just left. He's going to talk to him about the big "V". He's also going to mention his headaches and the desire to quit smoking, but I am not sure of the last two. *sigh*

I'm trying to title all my car pics that I took this weekend but have had little success. I should really take notes - or at least make one of the boys my "assistant" when I take pics at car shows to make sure I get the names and years of the vehicles correct.

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