May 29, 2008

Logged onto the WG? forum this morning to find out a friend there, Papa Dick, passed away yesterday afternoon in a forklift accident at work. How sad. He was a nice guy - a real guy, a real as one can get in the forums, who let his love for family shine. He will be missed.

To say that I am sad about his passing would be an understatement. It reminds me that life is short and you just don't know when the end will come. I doubt he even thought about dying when he left for work yesterday morning - who does? It's a reminder to tell your friends and loved ones that you do care about them and love them. You just don't know when you won't be able to anymore.


Had a rather uneventful evening last night. After dinner, we all watched a movie a friend lent us, Kenny (2006). He picked it up in Australia - it hasn't been released in the US yet. If you get a chance to watch it, it's hilarious - a "mockumentary" about a nice guy in the porta-potty business. Yes, there is a lot of scatological humour in it but it's actually quite realistic - which is what makes it so hilarious. In fact, we thought it was a real documentary until about half way through the movie!

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