May 30, 2008

Here's the closeup of my Venus of Willendorf stamp I got from Stamp-Connection. I highly recommend their service, either for stock stamps or custom made ones. They are one of the few places left where customer satisfaction is truly #1 - not to mention, their prices are great.

Last night was LOST night, three hours of our fave show (one hour encore and two hour finale). Some things we expected, other things were a surprise. I cried happy tears during one reunion and gasped with horror a few times. People might not like the storyline, etc., but you cannot deny the fact that these actors have talent.

Bear starts his 1/2 day at school today. Lovely. He also was complaining that the school isn't serving "real food" anymore, just leftovers. He said the quality was horrid, stale and overcooked. *shrugs* I told him to start a petition to encourage the kitchen staff to be more creative. LOL

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