May 25, 2008

Bug is exhausted by his second night of "no sleep" due to taking care of his baby and is refusing to get out of bed. Bear is also exhausted, saying that Bug and the Baby kept him up all night too. ROFLOL

We all decided to run errands yesterday as a family and Bug totally freaked out. There was no way in hell he was going out in public with the baby! Well, we insisted and we all went out. It was absolutely hilarious. Most people didn't even notice the baby was a doll, I believe most just assumed it was real. He carries it in a front pouch Snugli and honestly, it looks like an infant at a glance - only if you stare at it do you notice it's a doll. Went to El Potro for lunch and a couple of men eyed the baby in the chair, but since Petunia was sitting next to it, they most likely assumed it was hers. Only in WalMart did a (motherly) woman actually ask Bug if it was "one of those school project babies". He said it was and she thought it was very neat. Later on in the afternoon, Petunia and I stayed home and all the boys went out. Sharky told me that at the Sports Authority, a little girl pointed at Bug and started laughing hysterically. Bug was quite embarrassed over that. *giggles*

Late last night I drove out to JIA to pick up Mr. W. I left home early, thank goodness because I got lost trying to find the parking garage (hey, it was nighttime!) and then wandered around a bit making sure I was at the right place. His plane was actually a few minutes early but his one checked suitcase did not arrive. He filed a notice at the luggage counter and then I drove him home. I remembered I had not taken my evening diabetes medication, so right before I came home, I swung through Wendy's drive-thru in 5 Points and picked up 2 spicy chicken sandwiches (one for Sharky). Mmm, those were so good and very fresh. I also bought one of their new Frosty Floats. OMGs, it was delish! Yeah I know, not healthy for a diabetic... *sigh*

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