November 9, 2009

Monday, Monday...

Malcolm is doing a lot better, back to being his bright-eyed and bushy-stumped love bug. Went to fish him out from under the vanity last night and found him snuggling with Sharky's leg in bed. I hugged and kissed him and when he heard a noise in the hallway and went to dive back under the vanity, I carried him to his food and water. Later on, I heard him return but he was running and jumping, a good sign. This morning, he's acting totally normal and hasn't vomited in over 24 hours, thank goodness!

Sharky didn't come home until late last night because the plumbing problems at Mr. DW's house was more complicated than either of them thought. Of course, the plumbing gremlin hit here as well, with the washer machine backing up into the tub last night. *insert filthiest swear word known to man here* Totally pissed everyone off and Sharky went to bed soon after dinner. Problem isn't fixed and I cannot fix it, so it will most likely have to wait until he gets home. BTW, he was supposed to work the late shift this week, but turns out he's opening from now on. Wish he had told me earlier.

Sharky's not doing well this morning, even though he slept pretty hard last night. He was up for about two hours after a coughing fit, but slept hard when he got back to bed. He says he was up all night, but I don't think he was. Petunia is still rather nauseated - started on Saturday when we all ate way too much - and continued until this morning. We definitely will not make that mistake again. Ugh. She doesn't have a fever, but Sharky did feel rather warm. Not sure if it was body heat out outside heat since the cool air we were enjoying is gone.

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