November 23, 2009

Gonna be a great week!

BH & CH picked me up at 11:30 a.m. yesterday and we all went to see The Twilight Saga: New Moon (2009). We arrived at noon and got first row seats (upper tier). Thank goodness because within 15 minutes, it was chaos with people panicking that they could not find a seat. Orange Park AMC screwed up and played the first 10 minutes of the original Twilight movie (roflol) so the movie started about 20 minutes late. The movie itself was great, totally loved the werewolves and the Volturi (Italian vampire "police"). CH thought it was better than the first movie, BH wanted more fight scenes (LOL), I just enjoyed it. Heck, the scenery of the NW coast on the big screen makes it worth it, even if you don't care for sparkly vamps and furry NA Indians. (I like both. *wink*) Swung by their place and messed with cell phones and then got home a lot later than I thought it was. All in all had an excellent time.

Bear cooked a pork roast last night that was absolutely divine. Fully cooked inside & out but totally melt-in-your-mouth. Amazing.

Best news of all - Sharky has Monday-Wednesday off of work! YIPPEE! (Obviously he has Thanksgiving off as well.) We have two days of "no kids" to enjoy. That is a first in a long time. I cannot even remember the last time.

Auntie P emailed and said we needed to bring our cranberry relish/salad thingie that we make and a dessert when we come to see them. I emailed back and said we could/would and that we would bring some soda as well since we drink a lot. LOL

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