November 12, 2009

The Day After the Birthday...

My birthday, that is.

Drove Sharky to work so we could have the car. The weather was weird (typical for a dissipating storm) with black clouds, bright blue skies and totally inconvenient rain spurts.

Ran back to Kmart to exchange Bug's shoes for a smaller size, bought Petunia a pair of shoes, Bear bought a Marvel t-shirt with more of his birthday money, and then we went to Publix and picked up stuff for my birthday dinner (chicken quesadillas, nachos, and a Publix carrot cake - the best). Came home and the boys played for most of the day online. Picked Sharky up, came home again and had dinner and cake. All was delish.

Got a snail-mail card from my mom and my dad. Mom's had an IOU for my present, she's going to give it to me at T-day, and Dad's was empty except for a prayer for my soul. Wasn't that sweet? Oh well, at least he remembered - that's a plus. Petunia made me a lovely card (backwards too, typical of a little leftie LOL) and I have my Twilight dolls as a present. Sharky got me a bigger monitor (redeemed from his points at work) but I'm going to let him keep it and just take his instead - the new one is 3 inches bigger and I just don't have the space on my desk for it. My monitor will be handed down to the kids for their station. Got tons of birthday wishes from my WG?, WG, PV and FB friends - nice to see all the comments.

My birthday wish was for cold weather. Didn't get it yesterday, but got it this morning! LOL That'll do. But still, nothing beats my 21st birthday freak snowstorm. That was awesome...

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