November 4, 2014

Election Day (Tuesday)

Feeling gobsmacked - That moment when your kid's teacher calls, informs you that they are also the band director, and wants to know why you didn't tell them that your kid played brass for 4 years. Turns out that French Horn players are in high demand and wants to expose her to the mellophone. Guess we'll see where this goes. This is also the same teacher who cannot pronounce her name, no matter how many times she corrects him. LOL I told her to just give up, not worth the fight. I mean, I've been called "Carrie" for so long, it doesn't bother me like it used to.

Sharky spent much of yesterday on his back and felt better (but not great) this morning and is at work. Petunia napped off and on and is back at school today.

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