October 3, 2014


Tracking my carbs daily and its a major pain in the ass. I'm going to set a goal of doing this for a month and see how it goes.

Took a week for my rx of Symbicort to be ready (doc submitted it Friday, supposedly it was then ordered, and it arrived on the truck at the store last night). As I told Sharky last night, I consider that as vital as my insulin. While on it, I haven't once had to use my inhaler in the middle of the night to breathe. Being able to breathe is a wonderful thing.

Finished Season 4 of The Walking Dead on Netflix. The problem with binge watching on Netflix is the inevitable disappointment you will face the day after you're finished and realize there are no more episodes.

Had a weird dream last night that I invented gummi bears stuffed with pop rocks. When I tried them, I was very disappointed in how they turned out.

Petunia complained about my hair the other day. Wanted to know how long I've had my dreads and why they weren't looking very dread like just yet. I told her it takes time. *sigh* Her father laughed.

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