April 4, 2014


No school today, since this is Easter weekend. The retreat is this weekend as well, or at least it was. No one is talking to me other than token "likes" on FB. I wish they'd just unfriend me and get it over with - but I guess they don't have the guts to do so. Maybe they think I'm going to talk shit about them? Never, I don't play those kind of games.

Petunia went out with her boy friend MB and his parents (and 4 yo stepsister) last night. They treated her to dinner at Taco Bell (LOL!) and Disney on Ice. She had a wonderful time. The parents were very nice and communicative. He's a boy that is friends with, and attends school with, BB - that is how they met and they chat all the time online. He even "dumped" his "girlfriend" for Petunia. *rolls eyes* Petunia swears she just likes him as a friend and not more. I'm glad she got to go.

So much to do this weekend and plans to make. *sigh*

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