August 8, 2008

Happy Birthday Karin! I see you lurking... *giggles*

I'm TOTALLY sick of The Jonas Brothers (who Petunia just lurves and are on Good Morning America this morning), especially their song "Burnin' Up." The lyrics say "I'm slippin' into the lava, And I'm trying' to keep from going under" but for some reason I hear "I'm slippin' in the saliva". *sigh* Just so gross. I miss young David Cassidy on the Patridge Family. Now that was a hottie...

Well, it's Friday in the freak factory down here. What to do, what to do... Well, gotta swing by the library and pick up some books. I guess that's about it.

News to piss me (you?) off: JEA Disconnecting 10,000 Customers Per Month
Guess what? If you cannot pay your bill, then you have to have your electricity completely cut off BEFORE they will attempt to help you. In this heat, I wonder how many people will die because of this? Some of the comments on that page make me want to slap people. People always assume that if you cannot pay a bill, then it means you are wasting money on frivolities. Yeah, right. Obviously, they have their head shoved so far up their behind they cannot see how many working poor there are around here who are not boozing and whoring it up and wasting their paychecks. JEA keeps raising the prices of electricity, water, and sewer and yet we aren't seeing any benefits. (Thinking of the ancient sewer collapse in front of our house that backed our toilets up recently...)

1 comment:

Andie said...

Oh I feel your pain! My daughter is also obsessed with the Jonas Brothers. It never ends. Them and Hannah Montana. If she had it her way, she's be going to school wearing Hannah everything, playing a Hannah guitar and watching the tv show on repeat all day :/