June 21, 2008

Today is Mom's birthday. I heard from her, she called me back after coming home from their adventures, and they had a lot of fun. I'm glad. We all celebrated her birthday last weekend - I wish I could have done more. Should have made a card this week and mailed it to her but, oh well. Wasn't thinking straight for most of the time. Still am not.

Slept decent last night, except for waking up every time I rolled over. Hah. Took a little nap this morning and another this afternoon. Sharky and the boys went grocery shopping for me today and did a good job.

We had big sandwiches for lunch and no one is really hungry for dinner, but I have to eat. Right now, the 3 of them are in the kitchen doing something and I have no idea what. They are using my hand blender. I heard lots of "Shhh, this is for Mommy". Goddess help me. *sigh* LOL

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