June 25, 2008

Slept horribly last night, kept waking up with nightmares (vampires, yard sales, Victorian houses, corpses, and Mongol? hordes...). Sharky couldn't sleep either but his was due to eye hurting and job worrying. I'm going to help him with filling out job applications today - I have better handwriting than he does. *smile*

Our main pagan list on Yahoo! Groups seems to have disappeared - the shell is there but almost all of the content is gone. I've emailed the owner and am waiting on word back. I really hope it hasn't been deleted, but if it has, I sure would like to know why. This has happened before, over the years (twice I believe) and there never was a good explanation provided but I believe it was Yahoo's fault.

It's only been two days but I think I've got the stomach pains/heartburn under control with Tums (yuck) and pressure and, of course, eating less and slowly. My incisions are still shrinking and doing well. They are always reddest when I wake, probably due to pressure, but fade a bit after. The top one still hurts, the rest only hurt if I poke them, which I try not to. I was able to walk quite a bit yesterday without a pain pill, but still felt the need to put pressure on that top incision with my hand. I'm sure I look like a pregnant woman when I walk because of that, but who gives a flying fig. I sure don't. I'm just glad I'm out and about somewhat.

I checked our library's website and I still have 6 books on hold marked as "unavailable". *sigh* I have got to go to the library today and pick up something to read. Unfortunately, they don't open until noon today.

Kids are being total jerks this morning. Bear and Bug are such bossy creatures, ordering Petunia around. Drives me freaking nuts.

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