June 1, 2008

Had a wonderful time at the car show yesterday. You can see my pics here:

We had lunch there. The Culinary department sold a double cheeseburger or 2 beef hot dog meals (with chips & lemonade) for $5 and they were big enough for two. LOL Bear was one of the kid volunteers and a teacher bought him lunch (thought that was pretty nice). He worked hard from opening to close but didn't get sunburned, thank goodness, since he spent most of the time under a tent. The teachers in charge made sure all the kid volunteers had time to go check out the cars, etc., too. He's told me he's definitely volunteering again next year!

We came home and had a nice, quiet evening.

This morning, we went to my Mom's house. Sharky helped my sDad to fix their computers (typical "winblows" problems) and they bought us pizza. LOL Kids had a good time. Mom gave me a great "treasure" she found at a thrift store - a Harrod's shopping bag! It's PVC coated vinyl with cute British stuff on it. I'll have to take a picture of it. LOL

Now we are home and I am tired. Driving really tires me out...

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