June 5, 2008

After kids all got home, I laid down and tried to be as still as possible. Sharky got home and told me he was scared that I might be pregnant. I assured him that I wasn't, that whatever I have it's definitely bacterial or viral or something like that. (Believe me, I know the difference between pregnant vomiting and what I've been having.) He did admit there were a couple of guys at work that had been throwing up too, so it might just be something going around. Definitely isn't food poisoning or more than one person in this house would be suffering.

Damn neighbors kept me up all night again. I never had more than an hours sleep at a time because I kept hearing people in the driveway next door and walking up and down the sidewalks bitching and complaining. I swear, don't these people have a freaking day time life? During the evening, there were tons of construction noises as well - sawing and drilling and hammering. I have no idea what was going on, guess I'll find out when I go outside this morning.

And to think, all I wanted to do was to lay quietly and listen to my birds sing... *sigh*

The purple finches are so cute. When you get a flock of them together, they chit-chat and, I swear, it sounds like a little foreign language. No wonder people love finches as pets. I would never had a pet bird again, they need more work than I can give, but I'm perfectly happy feeding the wild birds and listening to them.

This morning, I heard a blue jay outside, calling. I wonder what he was doing up so early? Usually, the early birds are the cardinals. They have a very specific "chip" sound they make when they are at the feeder - it's so nice to wake up in the morning and hear them outside the window. So much nicer than people fighting, you know?

I feel ok this morning. Not that it means anything, I felt ok yesterday morning too. I just have to be very careful and eat sparingly, but drink a lot of water. Started having stomach cramps in the late afternoon yesterday, so I ate a couple of crackers. Calmed my stomach down until dinner time. I ate one chicken thigh and some noodles and was able to keep it down.

Today is the last day of school. Holy guacamole... I don't know if I'm ready for this yet. *sigh* Sharky said Petunia cried last night and said she didn't want school to end because she will miss her teacher and her friends. (She gave her teacher a "thank you" letter yesterday that was so cute. She wrote it all by herself and said how much she loves her and thanks her for being a good teacher. I think that would mean more to her teacher than any bought card she'd ever get.)

Petunia had her class party yesterday and they stuffed themselves full of goodies - cookies, ice cream, soda, fruit & cheese, etc. - and watched movies all day. Today is only 1/2 a day, so I do not think they will be doing too much.

Tomorrow, I will let all the kids sleep in. *sigh*

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