June 19, 2008

Absolutely had to have a nap today. Slept pretty good until neighbour started in with his booming rap. Jeeze... Finally, it all quieted enough once more to fall back asleep. Think I got a good hour in. I know I kept Sharky up last night, he told me he even had to wake me up from a couple of nightmares. Hope we don't have a repeat tonight of it.

The phone has been ringing off the hook for the past couple of days. Only two guys (Mr. R and Mr. W) from work called to see how he was doing and how I faired after surgery. WW called, not because he gave a shit about us, but because he wanted the "scoop on what really happened". (Hah, and they make fun of women for gossiping? Men do it just as badly...) The rest of the phone calls have been customers wondering where Sharky was. I pray he gets a good job at a competitor's so he can show those asswipes what they've lost. He made so much freaking money for them, they will really know it now he's gone and there's going to be a big red "-" where his profits would be. In my opinion, that is the best revenge of all.

Finally told my mom today. She took it better than I thought she would. Sharky's mom took it the way we thought she would, telling us how much better life is down in Miami. *rolls eyes* Yeah, right.

We talked about it today and I had one big weepy moment. Not proud of it. *shrugs* We've made it through worse, we will come through this. Might have to sell a lot of stuff, that will make me sad, but it's just stuff, right? As long as we all have each other, that is what really counts.

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