May 28, 2008

Sharky was feeling quite ill this morning and tried to call WW to see if he could open. There was no answer so Sharky left for work. A few minutes ago, the phone rang and the caller ID said it was WW's phone. I answered and this woman's voice (his wife) nastily said, "Who dis? What d'ya want? Why you callin' me?" I explained that Sharky called WW early this morning but did not get an answer. Her reply, "Who he?" (Geeze, can't she speak proper English?) I explained, a second time, adding in Sharky's full name and that he was a co-worker of WW. In a totally calm voice now, she says "Oh, I thought this might be a job wanting me to work." I just said, "Ok, thanks" and hung up, not wanting to say "Oh, just lovely, you always talk to your customers in that way?" WW's wife is a total shrew. I hate women like that. *sigh* If your husband is such a piece of shit that you cannot trust him, leave him or get therapy! It just belittles you to attack and harass others to get revenge upon him.

While I'm on bitch mode, I would like to say that I am completely flabbergasted by how jobless people on welfare and food stamps can afford almost new cars and convertibles with tags and insurance (*ahem* my "new" neighbors). What am I doing wrong? My husband works hard, we try and pay our bills on time. We go without at times to make sure our kids have what they need. What the hell am I doing wrong? Both of my sons tell me they've heard kids brag about being on welfare (no embarrassment at all) and then show off their brand new shoes and jackets that supposedly were purchased at full price from high-end department stores. And before anyone starts playing the race card, the bragging seems to be equally divided between black and white. The only ones who don't appear to brag are the latino kids.

I drove Petunia to school this morning and there were three open parking spaces right in front. Guess what? Yep, the woman in the car in front of me, in a smaller car than mine, takes up all three spaces by parking sideways. Why? I don't know. It makes no sense to me other than, like so many other people in this world, she just doesn't care. Oh, should I mention that she had a "WWJD?" sticker on her bumper?

Which, of course, brings me to this quote that I read this morning from Aldous Huxley (how ironic): "At least two thirds of our miseries spring from human stupidity, human malice and those great motivators and justifiers of malice and stupidity, idealism, dogmatism and proselytizing zeal on behalf of religious or political idols."

My oldest best friend called me on the phone last night. I've known Kimmie since we were both 11 years old - thirty years ago! Egads, thirty years??? Damn. I remember sitting outside CLMS waiting for the bell and her showing me her brand new flute - she was just starting band in 6th grade. (I think that was the band teacher who was busted for growing pot in his back yard? LOL) I had sent her some pics of the kids and she was calling to say thanks. She met Bear and Bug (we lived near each other when they were born), but has not seen Petunia in person. She was shocked to see that her little Bear was so big and would be in 10th grade this August. I told her that I see him every day and am still shocked.

Our 25th reunion should be next year, but it doesn't look like it will happen. Couldn't make the 20th, doubt I'll make the 25th if it does occur. Maybe the 30th? LOL Hmm, I'd be 47 by then.

Mom is getting ready for her 50th high school reunion this summer and is so excited. Unfortunately, she found out her best friend died a few years ago in a car accident. She's been in touch with a lot of them, over the phone and via email (to some, email is a brand new experience they are just trying for the reunion! LOL).

We were talking about it the other day and I realized that she remembers more of her high school friends than I do. I go to Classmates once in a while and see names of people in my graduating class and I have no idea who they are/were. One of these days I'll have to pull out my yearbooks and see if I can jog my memory.

I was so surprised last night to find a message in my email from the author of a book that I just read via BookCrossing! Wow! See, you just never know who reads a review that you write. I didn't write much of a review, mainly because the book left me feeling a bit shell shocked - it was that good. I was touched that she took the time out to write me.

Including today, just seven days of school left. Starting Friday, Bear will be coming home on the bus at noon - high schools are letting out at half a day. Elementary and middle schools are on normal schedule, except for the last day which ends at noon. So many kids skip the last day (or couple of days) of school but I've always made my kids go and they are always grateful because the last couple of days, especially the very last one, are always fun. Teachers give them things to take home (like extra stuff the teacher doesn't need) and almost all have a mini party on the last day.

I swear, this summer is not going to be like previous ones. I WILL work up a schedule and we WILL stick to it. Because of gas prices, I will be scheduling our trips ahead of time so we don't waste fuel. We will be going to the zoo weekly (if not, then bi-weekly) and hopefully C will let us come over once or twice to swim in her pool. We cannot afford any summer camps, but I'm going to see what is going on around town that is free - and not too crowded. (So many things are free, but everyone knows and it's almost a riot...) Definitely going to go to the library once a week and I'm going to encourage all the kids to check out books. I even told the boys that I don't care if they check out graphic novels, as long as it's something to READ.

I also think it would be fun to go to the beach a couple of times, as a family on weekends. Of course, we'd have to go at the crack of dawn, before it gets deathly hot outside. LOL (No reason in the world to be out on the beach or outside at all around 3:00 p.m.!)

I'm also going to set up chores for the kids to earn things like computer and/or game time. We have a bunch of "large crafts" to work on, like my credenza thingy that I found and all my chairs. A few need real repairs that Sharky can help them with (gluing, clamping, etc.), but they won't need much help when it comes to things like sanding and painting. We also have things in the garden to do and things around the house. Obviously, the outside stuff will be done in the morning before it gets too hot so they can take a cool shower and be in the house for the hotter parts of the day.

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