December 31, 2009

Happy New Year's Eve

Its the last day of the year. *sigh*

Sharky came home for lunch yesterday and on the way back, the car overheated. Luckily it could be fixed by adding water, but now we have a leak we need to find. He had pulled over at a Winn-Dixie (on Roosevelt) and even though it was an emergency, the manager refused to let him use the store phone (Sharky had no change to use the pay phone outside). He went up to a couple of people and asked them to make a phone call on their cell for him so he could let either me or work know what happened, but they all ignored him. Mean people suck. He eventually got water into the car and got it to work safely.

CW called yesterday. We chatted about lots of things, from his wife's surgery to books to what old friends were up to now. He told me how amazed he was that he felt so comfortable talking to me after all these years. I laughed and told him, that underneath all the layers of relationships over the past 25 years, at the core we were always best friends and will always be. The things that attracted us to each other as friends (same taste in music and books, humor, etc.) are still there and at the core, we rarely change.

Its funny, but even after hearing about how well he's doing, how well he's adjusted to life, thanks to therapy, hearing from him made me hug Sharky just a little bit harder last night. I never expected that contact from CW would make me appreciate my beloved soul mate even more than I did.

Life turned out exactly the way it was supposed to. This last decade (the "noughties") was most likely one of the worst for us, but it pushed us closer together. Sharky and I now know for a fact that we can handle anything, as long as we have each other.

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