November 8, 2009

The Day After the Birthday...

Had a great time yesterday. Had a little breakfast, then went to Kmart and bought sneakers and jeans for both boys (birthday present for Bear, late present for Bug LOL) and work shoes for Sharky. Finally got some decent walking sneakers for me and socks all around.

Then, we went to Steak 'n Shake for lunch which was delicious. We had coupons (saved us almost $15!) which helped a lot and kids under 12 eat free on Saturdays. Of course, we all had burgers and then milkshakes for dessert. I had to have my cup of chili too - they make the best "fast food" chili ever. If you live in the Jax area, I highly recommend going to the Steak 'n Shake on Wells Road in Orange Park. Service was great (even though they were packed), food was hot & fresh, and the milkshakes were awesome (and REAL!).

Stopped at a Game Stop on the way home and Bear bought two new (used) Wii games with his birthday money he got from grandparents. (Can you believe my dad actually remembered and the card arrived on time? Amazing...)

We got home and I totally crashed. LOL Boys played on the Wii, Sharky and Petunia played on WoW, and I laid in bed with Malcolm - who later on got sick and puked a lot. Think he might have swallowed a hair or have a hair ball or something.

Dinner was burgers (again - Bear's choice) but homemade, with mac & cheese on the side. Bear did not want a birthday cake, he wanted Key Lime Pie, so that is what we had instead. Delish! Boys played on WoW until 1:00 a.m. and then Sharky kicked them off and made them go to bed. LOL

This morning, Sharky went to Mr. DW's house to help him with some chores. I'm sending the boys outside to rake, goodness knows we need it horribly. LOL

Malcolm was sick this morning and I made the mistake of picking him up to put him on the couch - he flailed his front paws and accidentally caught me on my nostril. Small laceration that bled like crazy and I ended up with a small allergic reaction (sneezing and watery eyes) that only lasted for about 15 minutes. Strange.

Today's GTKYFG question was: Do you ever watch poker on television?

No, I don't and I don't understand why people do. Had to sit up a bit last night with a tummy ache (double ugh) and before I found a great cheezy horror movie to watch, The Head That Wouldn't Die (1962) (aka The Brain That Wouldn't Die) I decided to sit and watch a bit of Texas Hold'em poker.

Not only could I not figure out what was going on, there was almost no game shown - it was like a reality show with interviews of the players explaining why they were doing what they were doing. Of course, they made no sense to me at all. I thought I knew how to play poker, but this was something strange to me...

Thank goodness for bad sci-fi or I would have gotten no sleep at all last night.

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