November 16, 2009

Another Week Begins

It is Monday and I'm already dreading the rest of the week. EEK. Gotta fix that attitude somehow.

Direct deposit of paychecks has been totally screwed up by the workplace so they have to be done manually now. As soon as Sharky gives me the "OK" then I have to call JEA and pay the bill before they cut it off (they no longer give grace periods *rolls eyes*). Then, when he gets home, I have to run to Volde-mart and pick up my RX. Tuesday is Petunia's theatre class (thank goodness for Mrs. B who can shuttle her home) and Wednesday is both early release and a mandatory FORMAL DRESS party for Sharky, who, btw, may not own anything that fits into that category. Ugh. So far, Thursday seems free (*fingers crossed*) and Friday might be a movie date night for me and BH.

Walked Petunia to school and was treated to a very long and boring tale of a weekend funeral by Miss T, who included in the story how everyone was dressed, their family history, and what they stole or did not steal from the deceased. Wow. It took every bone in my body to not run away screaming. LOL OK, she's not that bad, but still.

Found out that two of the boys who walk are scared of me and call me the "lady who talks to cats". I found that out, while talking to a cat, overhearing one of the boys screech to a halt and whisper loudly "Hey, it's that lady who talks to cats!" and the other boy said, "Quick, run past her fast!" ROFLOL I think next time I see them, I'll miaou. *evil laughter*

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