October 1, 2009

Another Beautiful Day

I admit, I do love walking outside when its cool out. Heck, I love doing just about anything outside if I'm not sweating to death.

I'd be messing around more on my porch if I had some more potting soil. I really want to transplant my poor aloe before it just dies on me. Have more than enough pots, just no soil.

Transplanted my surviving Sansevieria (Mother-in-law tongue or Snake Plant) into my large round planter the other day. Poor thing, it had been rather abused when I "purloined" it from previous neighbors who had left it outside when they moved. Unfortunately, I then neglected it by accident and it went through a freeze last winter. Part came back and that is what I transplanted. Still in its original soil, it was hard to free, so I just took my trowel and hacked it out and put it in the large pot with the other plants I had appropriated from Mr. DW's back yard. (Those were the plants that he had thrown outside thinking they were dead but survived.) The Sansevieria seems to be quite a hardy plant because even after being hacked out of its ingrown pot and soil, it appears to be thriving after just a couple of days. I keep that large pot on my ledge where it gets nice afternoon sun and natural rain, just enough it seems, even though it's under the roof eave. Hmm, I just read the article about it (linked above) and it looks like this plant prefers to be abused and neglected? LOL Perfect plant for me, then...

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